Handling Disappointment: Exploring the Delicate Dance

In our fast-paced society, we reflexively numb our pain—and on top of that, we collectively avoid acknowledging our vulnerabilities. The art of revealing, feeling, and healing our pain would be messy and time-consuming. And even if we do slow down, most of us would rather avoid the discomfort that comes with disappointment. What about […]
Self Talk: How Our Life Experiences Impact Our Intrapersonal Communication

Have you ever paid close attention to the way you talk to yourself? Maybe you’re someone that speaks to yourself out loud or maybe someone who talks to yourself internally. Either way, it’s great to have intrapersonal communication because it can bring us a wealth of insight. Insight from Dr. Richard “Dick” C. Schwartz […]
Humor: How It Can Divide or Bring Us Together

Have you ever paid close attention to the role humor plays in your life? Consider the role it plays in your relationships. In my life, I had a lot of heaviness early on and it kind of made me a pretty serious child. I wasn’t as playful as my peers. I coped with it […]
How Healthy Boundaries Re-Engage People and Re-Humanize Us

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Welcome, Dr. Rosie Ward to the TalkRx Podcast! Rosie’s sweet spot is in organizational culture transformation. We do similar work in the world—transforming toxic cultures into healing organizations. After experiencing a toxic culture that drained her passion, purpose and wellbeing—Rosie was empowered to build workplace cultures that support people […]
Empowerment: What it means to actually support your people

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Please welcome today’s special guest, Niko Drakoulis! He’s been in executive leadership for more than two decades and founded a digital platform for transforming organizational culture called, SurePeople. We’ve partnered together on the Conscious Business Leadership Academy, and have discovered great synergy in our work. This conversation highlights […]
Hacking Your Health: How the right food cracks the code to your body’s happiness

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD What type of diet is a “balanced” diet? Why are natural foods better for your biology? Why are processed foods harmful for your body? How is the modern world taxing your body — and what are simple, easy ways to support and enhance your physical wellbeing? Welcome back […]
RESILIENCE: Building a burnout-resistant lifestyle

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Please join me in welcoming Georgia Thompson Perkins to the TalkRx podcast! Georgia is the mastermind behind the wellness and nutrition resources from Goodness with G. Our live-recorded conversation happened first on Linkedin, where Georgia — a.k.a. “G” — joined me to share her wealth of knowledge on nutrition, […]
To Snack or Not to Snack—When & how to fuel your body

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD As the world moves faster by the day, having easy-to-grab snacks to get you through your busy days—is just a good idea! Today I’d like to welcome back my functional medicine practitioner, Deanna Appleton. She’s back for part 2 of our Optimal Wellness series. For those of us […]
From Burnout to Thriving: Design Your Path to Healing

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Welcome Sarah Waylett to the TalkRx podcast! Sarah is an ex-corporate powerhouse, turned burnout expert—and her unique mindfulness methods are helping her and her clients recover and THRIVE after experiencing burnout! She founded Dreamgarten last year in an effort to help companies and individuals recover from burnout and realign […]
Anxiety Pt. 3: Here’s what to say when you don’t know what to say

DOWNLOAD MP3 | LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Have you ever noticed how easy it is to snap at someone or get tongue-tied when you’re stressed? A colleague on my team, Jamie-Clare de la Chapelle, is back to share—what to say when you don’t know what to say! Inevitably, if you’re stressed, you may struggle to […]