How Dating Can Help & Heal You

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi everybody. Today, I have a special guest, Jacob. Welcome. Jacob: Thanks for having me, Neha. Doctor Neha: Absolutely. It’s my pleasure. We’ve got a brave soul here who’s going to pick a topic and we’re going to have a discussion so everybody else can learn […]
Surrendering Self-Consciousness in the Name of Love

Doctor Neha: Welcome to TalkRx with Doctor Neha. I want to introduce you to a conversation I had with a woman named Emma in Costa Rica. She is a brave soul from Australia who was willing to ask her communication question so all of you could learn with her. Emma, what have you been thinking […]
Digging Deeper for Love

“All the buried seeds crack open in the dark, the instant they surrender to a process they can’t see.” Mark Nepo As far as I’m concerned, surrender is a swear word. I’ve spent a large part of my life in resistance and have only recently come to realize it’s because I’m addicted to the-need-to-know. I […]