How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi and welcome. Today we have a special guest, Christin. Christin, you’re an RN, right? Christin: No, I’m not. I work in administration. I am the regional director for difference, diversity and inclusion. Doctor Neha: Diversity, inclusion…okay. Well, all of you who are doing this class […]
The Correlation Between Constipation and Conflict

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi, everybody and welcome. This is my third annual trip to Bali, and I made another wonderful friend. Hi, Courtney. We met at lunch today, and Courtney started discussing some thoughts and questions she had when she found out I was a doctor. So tell them […]
How to Decide Whether to Hold on or Let Go

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Welcome to Talk Rx with Doctor Neha. We’re filming in Costa Rica, and I’m actually at a Qoya retreat with my dear friend and Qoya teacher, Rochelle. She is a brave soul willing to ask a question, have a conversation, and share about communication so that […]