Is LOVE Taking You For a Ride?

With V-Day upon us, it’s the perfect time to take inventory of the many kinds of love in our lives. Whether you’re a parent or a partner, a sibling or a soul sister—whatever the relationship, there’s always a give and take. While sometimes unspoken, each person brings their own hopes and dreams to the relationship […]
What’s the Key to Your Heart?

In the previous blog, I began discussing about the importance of knowing ourselves first and asking for what we need before we can build a meaningful, lasting relationship with others. I am now writing in order to build upon that theme and how well-intentioned people can love one another and also miss the boat on […]
Be Your Own Valentine

With Valentine’s Day upon us, I’m reminded that although it only takes the click of a mouse to ‘friend’ another via social media, friending yourself is a much more difficult task. It means getting clear about what you want and having the courage to express those wants to others. This is not something we have […]