The Power of Tapping into Your Emotions, Part 2

The Power of Tapping into Your Emotions, Part 2

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi and welcome. My guest today is Deanna. Welcome back, Deanna. You had been asking about how to get from being in your head so much to being in your heart [The Power of Tapping Into Your Emotions, Part 1]. You had asked, how does one […]

The Power of Tapping into Your Emotions, Part 1

Power of Tapping Into Your Emotions, Part 1

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Welcome everybody to today’s video blog with Deanna. She’s a brave soul who’s willing to ask her questions so that all of you can learn. So welcome, Deanna. Deanna: Hi, Neha. Doctor Neha: What have you been thinking? What have you been thinking about? Deanna: What […]

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