Peace Worldwide Starts From Inside

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi everybody and welcome. Today I have a special guest. Hi Gina! Gina Murdock: Hi Neha, good to see you. Doctor Neha: Great to see you too. We’re in Aspen and I met Gina last year, when she invited me to speak at a Lead with […]

Transform COVID Chaos Into Clarity & Connection

Transform COVID Chaos Into Clarity & Connection

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi everyone and welcome. Today, I have a special guest Alise Cortez. Alise has her own radio show and we did an interview together. And so during the COVID pandemic, I’ve made a new friend and I want to share her with all of you. Doctor […]

Self-Care: Knowing Your Needs & Setting Boundaries

Self-Care: Knowing Your Needs & Setting Boundaries

DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Welcome, everybody. Today, I have a special guest, Kim. Welcome. Kim. Kim: Thank you. Doctor Neha: I’m really glad to have you here because not only are you someone I found to be really insightful—Kim’s a nurse—but you also are a leader. So you understand teams […]

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