Are You In A Daily Battle To Gain Control?
DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi everybody, and welcome. Today I’d like to welcome our special guest, Jacob. Hello! Jacob: Thanks for having me. Doctor Neha: Absolutely! Jacob and I have spent around a year and a half working together, and he agreed to have a conversation so all of you […]
Transform COVID Chaos Into Clarity & Connection
DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi everyone and welcome. Today, I have a special guest Alise Cortez. Alise has her own radio show and we did an interview together. And so during the COVID pandemic, I’ve made a new friend and I want to share her with all of you. Doctor […]
Eliminate the Energy Drain: Strategies for Self-Care
DOWNLOAD THE MP3 | LISTEN ON iTUNES Doctor Neha: Hi and welcome. Xenia is our guest today. Xenia: Hello. Doctor Neha: Xenia is a nurse and she was one of the women in my pilot program as I began to research and study how to best create a power handbook for women, as well as […]